Thursday, February 17, 2011


1. Invite your friends over for a candlelit dinner
2. Get those board games out and have some fun seeing how easily you can swap your scrabble counters in the dark!
3. Go for a walk. Lie down. Look up. In all of that which you’ll then see, we only have the thing you’re lying on to call home. Cherish it.
4. Do something “crafty” by candlelight: paint, mould, stick, knit, quilt, or paint…
5. Got kids? Get out the camping gear! Set up a tent and tell fantastical stories of a time when the earth had no artificial lights and strange things went more than just BUMP! in the dark…
….or plan a few harmless April Fool’s Day pranks in advance.
6. Play a real game of hide & seek. Now there’s a challenge doing it in the dark!
7. Take a nap – it’s been a hard day and no-one will notice.
8. Hey – since your lights are off, it would seem like the perfect time to change any old bulbs for a few new energy saving ones? No?
9. Why not eat all the ice-cream that’s sitting in your freezer? If you’ve turned your appliances off as well as your lights for Earth Hour, then it’s going to melt anyway!
(How good is that for an excuse?!)
10. Check out your local Earth Hour site (there’s a list of countries here – and see if there’s a place near you that will get plunged into darkness at 8.30pm on the 27th!

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